How To Protect Your Natural Hair With Wigs

7 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog


The natural hair movement was born during the 2000s in the United States. It encourages women of color to celebrate their curly, kinky hair texture. Natural hair is when your hair has not been altered by chemicals. This movement also expands to other countries with women of African descent.

Many women go natural to retain hair length. Protective styling is one of the ways to prevent damage and breakage. Read on to find out how to protect your natural hair with wigs.

How Does Heat Affect Natural Hair?

African American women use flat irons, straightening combs, heating devices, and blow dryers to straighten their hair. If you have natural hair, then you do not want to constantly style your hair using heat. Excessive heat can damage your hair. It also causes your hair to stay in a permanently straightened state. If you are natural and do not have heat damage, then your straightened hair returns to its natural state when wet.

Excessive heat can break the disulfide bonds in your hair. Disulfide bonds are protein structures held together by chemical bonds that are found in your hair shaft. These bonds are sensitive to heat and tend to break with the use of heat. Disulfide bonds give your hair strength. To retain length, you have to find ways to style your natural hair without using heat.

What Is Protective Styling?

Protective styling prevents you from constantly manipulating your hair. It means you are not going to comb, brush, use heat, or expose your hair to the elements. Your hair is put away until you take it down. It decreases tangles, knots, protects the ends of your hair strands, promotes retention, and encourages growth. A protective style is something that does not require constant manipulation or much daily care.

How Can Wigs Help?

Wigs are very versatile. You can find different lengths, colors, textures, and styles. Wigs can also help you with protective styling. You can braid your hair down and just wear your wig. This hair piece also allows you to wear straight hair without using a straightening device. However, you still have to maintain the hair under your wig. It helps to shampoo, condition, moisturize, and braid down your hair before putting it on.

Wearing wigs give you a break from daily hair maintenance. They are also useful when going through hair loss or damage. Wigs can protect your hair while you nurture it back to being healthy.