Looking For Gym Leggings? You Really Want A Cotton-Spandex Blend

6 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog


Leggings have become a go-to choice for working out at the gym, and for good reason! There's no excess fabric to get caught in machines, and the sleek fit helps you feel powerful and fierce, which can drive you to do your best at every workout. When shopping for leggings, however, you need to pay close attention to the fabric the leggings are made from. They are not all made equal. In most cases, your best bet will be leggings made from a cotton-spandex blend. Here's why.

They're breathable

Whether you're doing yoga or powerlifting, your legs are going to sweat. If your leggings are not breathable, all of that sweat is going to accumulate against your skin, which is not only uncomfortable but also smelly. The downfall of all-spandex leggings is that they do not breathe well. Cotton, however, does breathe quite nicely, so blending some of it into the fabric for your leggings makes sure they wick moisture better.

They stretch just enough

Years ago, you used to see people working out in all-spandex clothing. This clothing was stretchy, but a bit too stretchy. It would cling to every curve, sometimes to the point of being see-through. Cotton-spandex blend fabrics get their stretchiness from the spandex, but they have a bit more stability and structure from the cotton. You don't have to worry about someone seeing your underwear or anything else through the fabric as long as you buy the right size.

They are easy to launder

Another downfall of plain spandex is that it shrinks easily if your wash water or dryer is the tiniest bit too warm. Cotton adds some more stability to the fabric, so you can launder your leggings without so much worry of shrinkage. This is so important with gym clothing since you wash it so often! You won't want to wash the leggings in hot water or dry them on high, but warm and medium settings should do just fine.

They feel soft

Cotton can feel a little abrasive by itself, and spandex can be too slick. Combine them, though, and you get a nice, soft fabric that feels good against your skin but that is not going to make you slide off the rowing machine, either. 

When it comes to gym leggings, a blend of cotton and spandex can't be beaten. Look for these leggings in a color or pattern you love, and get to the gym. Or, look for cotton-spandex fabric and make your own clothes out of it. Do what works best for you.